International School Community Blog

So, what makes International School Community unique you ask?

There are indeed a few other review and comment-based websites currently on the internet helping out international school educators gather information about international schools around the world.  However, International School Community is trying to take it to the next level.

So, what are some ways that make International School Community unique?

– A member is able to find real people that work at the schools they are interested in.  Integrated networking!  If a member lists a school that they currently work at or have worked at in the past on their profile, their name will show up in the Members of this School section on the school profile pages.  That means you now have a real person to contact that can answer your specific questions about the school!  Those other websites don’t allow for this type of of networking.

– You can search for other international school educators based on criteria.  For example, if you want to find where the EAL teachers are in East Asia, just search it on our website.  Again, networking has just become that easier!

– You can search for the international school based on your criteria.  For example, if you want to find a school that is in Western Europe, that teaches the UK curriculum and that is in a city less that 750,000 people.  You can do just that using the search feature on our homepage!  Finding the right school for you is possible on International School Community.  We don’t know another website that currently has that kind of search power.

– International School Community is organized. Finally, now you can find the information you want, easier and faster. For example, if you want to know more information about the housing allowance, just go to the Benefits section.  If you want to more about school grounds, just look in the School section.  Other websites put all the school, benefits, city and travel info all in the same section which takes longer to find the information you are looking for.

– Our website focuses more positive and really useful information sharing.  All schools have good and bad aspects.  International School Community allows for members to leave truthful, firsthand information no matter if it is good or bad.  We have structured all of our questions to not allow for our members to rant on and on about certain aspects of the school.  The more controversial topics are put in the voting sections, where members are only allowed to vote.

These 5 things are just a few of what makes International School Community different from what’s currently out there.  And guess what?  We have plans to add more features and functions that will make being a member even more benefiticial.