International School Community Blog

Top three photos for Best Nature Shot: And the winners of this photo contest are…

I’m happy to announce the winners of our Fifth Photo Contest (Best Nature Shot in your Host Country).

First Place: Four elephants walking in Tanzania.

I took this in Tanzania where I work and this picture reminds me of why elephants are so important to our own lives, as they represent the importance of what we are dong as educators.  As well most of these elephants will be shot and killed for their ivory soon so seeing a picture like this will hopefully inspire our students to take action with conservation of this majestic animal.


Congratulations Daniel Flynn (an international teacher working at International School of Tanganyika, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania)!

Prize awarded: Premium membership for TWO YEARS on our website!

Second Place: Butterfly migration in a forest in Mexico.

“I work in Mexico. I went with a group of teachers to see the majestic monarch butterfly migration. There were millions of butterflies flying around. It was one of the natural wonders of the world.


Congratulations Mark Starbuck (an international teacher working at Greengates School (British International School), Mexico City, Mexico)!

Prize awarded: Premium membership for ONE YEAR on our website!

Third Place: Blue insect in a forest in Serbia.

“Mineral spring Bagri near Novi Pazar in the middle of mountains is surrounded with a wonderful glade cut in half with a small river. It is a home to many birds and wild species, among them this beautiful insect.”


Congratulations Anonymous! (This member wanted to be anonymous in the photo contest.)

Prize awarded: Premium membership for SIX MONTHS on our website!

Thanks to everyone who participated!  We have awarded everyone else ONE WEEK of premium membership for participating in this photo contest.

Stay tuned for our next photo contest which will happen sometime during the next 1-2 months.